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Our Covenants


We have so much for which to be Grateful!

Our Gratitude Tree is up in the social hall at AUUF, and we hope you'll take some time to share your gratitude. We feel like most of us think nice things about others and events much of the time, but now here is an opportunity to speak that gratitude "out loud," so to speak.

  • Use one of our cards and write a kind message to someone. You can post it in the mail section of our board, or mail it to them yourself.

  • Add a gratitude leaf to our tree and share what makes you thankful.

  • Add a link with written gratitude onto our Gratitude Loops.

  • Take one of our Practicing Gratitude sheets to share with others. (A QR code for easier access to these practices is coming soon!) ​


We know there are lots of people and things in our world that continue to need help, compassion, and justice. This board is not meant to erase those needs. We simply want to add more hope and resilience in our world as we appreciate what's good while we continue to work to change what we can on our quest towards creating Beloved Community. (Thanks to Don Antrobus, Katherine Huffman, Robin Hill, Kathy Lucich, Rev. Lise, Dr. Ray, and Alice Palen for their help on the Gratitude Board.)


Created 2013

Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF)- Covenant of Healthy Relations

This document expresses the hopes we have about how we want to relate to one another and how we want to translate our Unitarian Universalist values and principles into action. Members and friends of AUUF are encouraged to join in these intentions with kindness and respect to ensure that this community thrives and can accomplish its mission in the world. This is a living document and may change and grow as our congregation evolves.

Approved at Annual Meeting May 2021


We strive to...

● Bring our best selves to our relationships with one another.
● Grow in spirit by deepening our connections and camaraderie with each other.
● Create a welcoming environment and include people of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.
● Remember that everyone’s feelings matter to the well-being of the entire community.
● Honor the many beliefs in our fellowship and our world.
● Practice self-care by listening to and meeting our own needs; encourage others to do the same.


● Speak with respect, keeping our words true, caring and necessary.
● Meet people where they are with empathy.
● Listen to understand rather than to judge or prove a point.
● Talk with rather than about others.
● Add our viewpoint to the mix while also taking care to make space for others.
● Leave space for joy and humor.


Contribute to our community:
● Be informed about the needs and events of our congregation. Be willing to help.
● Give generously of our time, talents and financial resources in a way that is sustainable.
● When presenting problems, include ideas or resources for solving them.

● Care for AUUF’s physical environment and contribute to its maintenance and improvement.
● Encourage younger members to bring forth new ideas and assume leadership roles.
● Attend to our own personal development and/or spiritual growth for the health of our community; encourage and applaud others for doing the same.
● Express appreciation for the minister, staff and board and honor the limits of their roles. For example, we respect their schedules and time off.
● Recognize and work to find value in different needs, approaches, skills, and leadership styles.
● Grow our awareness of racism and other forms of discrimination within ourselves and our community. Engage in the daily work of transforming this discrimination into love and justice.


Collaborate to resolve conflict:
● Remember that addressing conflicts directly can lead to growth and greater understanding.
● Build strength to stay engaged with one another through difficult conversations.
● Speak up when we feel hurt (saying “ouch” in the moment). Clarify or address the situation soon.
● Listen with an open spirit. Hold ourselves responsible for hearing all sides and assume good intentions.
● Remember that we can still cause harm (impact) without intending to (intent). Acknowledge when we cause harm, even unintentionally.
● Work to resolve conflicts directly with the parties involved, maintaining openness and compassion.
● Forgive ourselves and others.
● Be willing to be transformed!


© 2025 by Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 

Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/her), Minister,, 907-248-3737 x2,

Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; Th and F 11-3, and by appointment

Jennifer Bluntach (she/her), Director of Religious Exploration

Office hours usually are: Sunday 9am-11am, Tuesday 11am-3pm, Thursday, 11am-3pm, Friday, 11am-12pm and by appointment


Richard Stoneking, (he/him), Congregational Administrator, 907.248.3737 x1. Office Hours Usually Mon-Thu 11am - 3 pm, Please call first.

Kelly Spring, (she/her), Communications Specialist,

Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm

Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director

907-248-3737 x4,


Dan Norton: AV Coordinator

907-248-3737 x5,

Rebecca Bernard, (she/her), Affiliated Community Minister

Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved. 

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