2824 E. 18th Avenue.
Anchorage, AK 99508
Tel: 907-248-3737
All are welcome to our Fellowship of diverse people who come together to nurture each other, to grow ethically, spiritually and intellectually, and to help create a just, safe and caring community.
How much should you pledge?
AUUF's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30. To prepare a fiscally responsible budget, the annual stewardship drive is conducted in February and March, when members and friends are asked to confirm their pledge amount for the coming year, using this form (Must be downloaded to become a fillable PDF or MS Word file):
How much should you pledge?
Pledging is a function of commitment and resources. Commitment relates to the role AUUF plays in a person's spiritual and intellectual life, and the importance a person assigns to AUUF programs and services. Pledging levels are also based on a person's circumstances and financial resources.
The Suggested Fair Share Contribution Guide outlines several levels of commitment and associated giving as a percentage of adjusted income.
While we do ask friends and members to give what they can, AUUF welcomes everyone regardless of contribution.
If you contribute your pledge payment by placing it in the offering basket, please be sure to mark the memo line on the check as "PLEDGE" or put money in a sealed envelope clearly marked as PLEDGE. Otherwise, it is considered a donation to the Half Portion for Social Justice.